Provincial Governments
Section 121.- The provinces reserve to themselves all the powers
not delegated to the Federal Government by this Constitution, as well
as those powers expressly reserved to themselves by special pacts
at the time of their incorporation.
Section 122.- They determine their own local institutions and are governed by them. They elect their governors, legislators, and other provincial officers, without intervention of the federal government.
Section 123.- Each province enacts its own Constitution as stated in Section 5, ensuring municipal autonomy and ruling its scope and content regarding the institutional, political, administrative, economic and financial aspects.
Section 124.- The provinces are empowered to set up regions for the economic and social development and to establish entities for the fulfillment of their purposes, and they are also empowered, with the knowledge of Congress, to enter into international agreements provided they are consistent with the national foreign policy and do not affect the powers delegated to the Federal Government or the public credit of the Nation. The City of Buenos Aires shall have the regime which is to be established to that effect.
The provinces have the original dominion over the natural resources existing in their territory.
Section 125.- The provinces may enter into partial treaties for purposes of the administration of justice, of economic interests, and works of common benefit, with the knowledge of the Federal Congress; and may promote their industry, immigration, the construction of railways and navigable canals, the colonization of provincial-owned lands; the introduction and establishment of new industries, the imports of foreign capitals and the exploration of their rivers, by means of laws protecting these ends and with their own resources.
The provinces and the City of Buenos Aires may continue with their own social security entities for civil servants and professionals; and may promote economic progress, human development, creation of jobs, education, science, knowledge and culture.
Section 126.- The provinces do not exercise the power delegated to the Nation. Provinces shall in no case enter into any partial treaty of political nature; enact laws dealing with commerce, inland or foreign navigation; establish provincial Customs; coin money; establish banks with power to issue money without authorization from the Federal Congress; enact civil, commercial, criminal, or mining codes after Congress had enacted them; enact special laws regarding citizenship and naturalization, bankruptcy, counterfeiting of currency or State documents; lay any duty on tonnage; supply ships of war or raise armies, except in the event of foreign invasion or in such imminent danger that shall not admit a delay, notifying immediately to the Federal Government; appoint or receive foreign agents.
Section 127.- No province shall declare or make war against another province. Their claims must be submitted to the Supreme Court and settled by it. Their de facto hostilities are acts of civil war, considered as sedition or mutiny, which the Federal Government must suppress and punish in accordance with the law.
Section 128.- The governors of the provinces are the natural agents of the Federal Government for the enforcement of the Constitution and the laws of the Nation.
Section 129.- The City of Buenos Aires shall have an autonomous system of government with power of legislation and jurisdiction, and the head of its government shall be directly elected by the people of the City.
While the City of Buenos Aires is the Capital City of the Nation, a law shall guarantee the interests of the National State.
According to the aforementioned provisions of this section, the National Congress shall convoke the inhabitants of the City of Buenos Aires so that the representatives that are to be elected for that purpose issue the Organizing Statute of their institutions.